Tue, 16 June 2020
With all that is going on in our country today and all that is happening in the streets, one voice that we have been missing on The Public Square® is that of our late friend, Dr. Sterling Glover. So we thought it would be appropriate to reach back into our archives and air a program we had with Dr. Glover on the anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. We asked him why that day and that time was so significant to the history of our country. Please join in the conversation for 30 minutes today on TPS Express. Topic: Rediscovering American History The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Direct download: DrKing_DrGlover_2020edit_26MIN.mp3
Category:Rediscovering American History -- posted at: 8:23pm EDT |