Wed, 27 October 2021
Gather round with our team as we discuss and process our recent interview with Pastor Pawlowski. Pastor Pawlowski resides in Canada and is under intense scrutiny and tyranny for serving his community in the midst of COVID-19. His fight for freedom affected us deeply and we discuss what his battle means for freedom in America. The original interview can be found online or via our smart phone app. These episodes are a - must listen, join us now on The Public Square®. Topic: Religious Liberty The Public Square® with your hosts David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd. Release Date: Wednesday, October 27th, 2021
Direct download: PastorPawlowskiDebrief_26MIN.mp3
Category:Religious Liberty -- posted at: 7:00am EST |
Thu, 21 October 2021
Do you know Pastor Artur Pawlowski's story? He's the Pastor from Canada who has been arrested for feeding the poor and not wearing a mask. Now he is facing 4 years in jail. This story is so sad it's hard to believe. Please tune in today for an exclusive interview with Pastor Pawlowski on The Public Square®. Topic: Religious Liberty The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Thursday, October 21, 2021 |
Thu, 29 July 2021
Does the phrase “One Nation Under God” belong in the pledge of allegiance? Why is this phrase cause for debates? How does a comedian from the 1940s understand the Pledge of Allegiance better than most politicians today? Let’s answer these questions and more with this episode today on the Public Square®. Topic: Religious Liberty The Public Square® with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Thursday, July 29, 2021 |
Tue, 18 February 2020
On today's broadcast we continue the debate between "personhood," sexuality, conscience and religious liberty. Are Supreme Court justices really trying to remake people in the image of the Court? Are we heading down a collision course on questions of free speech and religious liberty? Tune in as we take a deeper look into these questions. Topic: Religious Liberty The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Direct download: Feb1820_FloridaSchools_26MIN_pt03.mp3
Category:Religious Liberty -- posted at: 8:53pm EST |
Fri, 10 November 2017
It all started with an angry Senator in 1954. Today the free speech and religious liberties of the nation are subjected to the bullying oversight of the IRS. Congress says they are trying to address the Johnson Amendment, but is their solution WORSE than the original problem? Tune in today to find out what you can do to preserve your religious liberty and free speech on The Public Square®. Topic: Religious Liberty The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, November 10, 2017
Fri, 4 August 2017
When did displaying the 10 Commandments become illegal in America? Where did that vote take place? Join us this week as we look deeper into the debate over religious liberty and free speech on The Public Square®. And please, tell a friend. Topic: Religious Liberty The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, August 4, 2017
Fri, 19 May 2017
Join us in the radio classroom of The American Mission® brought to you by The Public Square®. In light of recent news regarding the Johnson Amendment and religious liberty, we're talking about the separation of church and state and the First Amendment. Pop quiz...what does the First Amendment say? Brush up on your history as it pertains to today's news right here on The Public Square®. Topic: Religious Liberty The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, May 19, 2017 |
Fri, 12 May 2017
President Trump's Executive Order on religious liberty: Promise kept or a false narrative? Join us this week for a unique behind the scenes look at the "Johnson Amendment"; the law that Republicans and religious leaders are afraid to touch. Find out why on this episode of The Public Square®. Topic: Religious Liberty The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, May 12, 2017
Fri, 8 April 2016
Tune in to The Public Square® this weekend for a dynamic discussion on religious liberty. What does the First Amendment say about religious liberty and what does it mean today? Tune in to hear more, plus an election update and an interview from Augusta National on this Masters Weekend. Topic: Religious Liberty The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, April 8, 2016 |