Tue, 29 October 2019
Is Capitalism biblical? Today on The Public Square®, hosts David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd are discussing this question with the team. What do you think? What does God think of capitalism? Tune in today to hear this discussion. Topic: Deep Questions The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Direct download: TPS_Daily_Jun0519_DAILY_IsCapitalismBiblical_26MIN.mp3
Category:Deep Questions -- posted at: 8:42pm EST |
Fri, 25 October 2019
We recently heard a pastor say on a Sunday morning: "For years people in the Church have been lectured on tolerance. Now, when it comes to matters of sexuality it appears that there is no tolerance for anyone who disagrees with the agenda of the LGBTQ leadership." Is the era of free speech and religious liberty on the path to extinction? Is there something we can do to make a positive impact in this debate? Tune in this week and join in the conversation on The Public Square®. Topic: Education The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, October 25, 2019
Tue, 22 October 2019
The team is interviewing a very special guest, Ron Maxwell, Director of the movie Gettysburg and Gods and Generals, on The Public Square®. You won't want to miss this exclusive interview while hearing his passion for America and rediscovering American history, all around the table at The Public Square®. Topic: Rediscovering American History Special Guest: Ron Maxwell The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Tuesday, October 23, 2019
Direct download: TPS_Daily_053119_RonMaxwell_26MIN.mp3
Category:Rediscovering American History -- posted at: 8:14pm EST |
Thu, 17 October 2019
Exhausted by the endless partisan warfare on the impeachment front? Can Washington help us here? George Washington that is. Join in this week's conversation on The Public Square® as we take a refreshing look back upon the life and lessons of POTUS #1. Topic: Our Mission The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, October 18, 2019
Tue, 15 October 2019
Tune in this week for a half-hour intelligent design edition of TPS Express. We are talking with Dr. Charles McGowen as we take a look back at a historical court case that has shaped modern day America in many different ways. What can we learn from this court case and its impact on the modern world? Tune in today as we talk about it right here on The Public Square®. Topic: Intelligent Design Special Guest: Charles McGowen The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Fri, 11 October 2019
This week on The Public Square® we are tackling several news stories. Don't miss this dynamic conversation on the Supreme Court, the "Greta Factor," an impeachment update, and a story on forgiveness out of Texas. Tune in today! Topic: Role of Government The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, October 11, 2019
Wed, 9 October 2019
The current political climate feels more like The Hunger Games than a Constitutional Republic. What are practical things that we can do to overcome evil by doing good particularly in the current political process? Tune in today for 30 minutes as we talk about the impeachment process, how it works, and what is in store for the nation. What can we all do about the current situation of the nation? Tune in to The Public Square®. Topic: Politics The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Thu, 3 October 2019
Only two Presidents in history have faced an impeachment trial before the U.S. Senate. Both were found not guilty. No President has ever been removed from office by this constitutional process. Will Donald Trump be the first President removed from Office by the actions of the U.S. House and Senate? Tune in this week as we talk about the history of impeachment and more on The Public Square®. Topic: Rediscovering American History The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, October 4, 2019
Tue, 1 October 2019
Does Congress need prayer now more than ever? What about the President? And the U.S. Supreme Court? Today on TPS Express, Wayne Shepherd interviews Senate Chaplain Barry Black from our radio archive. He'll give a unique perspective from Capitol Hill, one we all might need to be reminded of this week. Tune in today right here on The Public Square®. Topic: Faith in Culture The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2019