Fri, 3 January 2025
For decades, the abortion industry has provided statistics and analysis on the process and practice of abortion. Now they want to hide the facts. They want new laws to release the abortion industry from fact-based accountability. Why are they suddenly afraid of the facts? In this first broadcast of the year we tear the curtain back from this hidden strategy and ask the questions that truly matter. For the unborn and all human live, we invite you to consider this story that the American media is covering up, - all on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, January 3rd, 2024
Wed, 23 October 2024
Ten States are facing ballot issues regarding abortion this voting season. New facts are coming out every day, the issue of Abortion isn't going away and could decide the outcomes of so many elections. We all need to study the facts and share them with others so that we can be educated and informed voters. Please visit to access our Abortion in America booklet, share it with a friend, and join the conversation today on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and David Zanotti. Release Date: Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024
Fri, 11 October 2024
Many Americans, even Vice President Kamala Harris, are under the impression that late term abortions are not happening in the United States. This is incorrect. Recent research from a new article in The Atlantic says otherwise. There is so much on the topic of Abortions that is not being reported on, which is why our team has created a new pamphlet on the facts called Abortion in America. Please don’t miss this very important conversation today on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and David Zanotti. Release Date: Friday, October 11th, 2024
Fri, 27 September 2024
There are 10 states facing ballot issues on expanding abortion on demand this November. These ballot issues are all a part of the strategy to use abortion as a wedge issue to divide people and to help the abortion industry write their business plans into state constitutions. These issues also are designed to drive voter turnout to win elections that will result in changing Senate seats and Electoral College votes. What happens if the abortion industry succeeds? Please tune in and discover the story that no one else in the U.S. Media is willing to expose this week on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and David Zanotti. Release Date: Friday, September 27th, 2024
Fri, 20 September 2024
Our nation has vastly different understandings of abortions - from the terms of the procedure, the reason women have abortions, and the actual truth. Today we discuss and try to clarify what so many want to misconstrue and misinterpret. Please don’t miss this very important conversation today on The Public Square®. Please be advised this content is not suitable for children. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and David Zanotti. Release Date: Friday, September 20th, 2024
Fri, 19 April 2024
Should there be a federal law surrounding abortions? This debate is being used by the abortion industry to divide and incite all Americans. Today the TPS team discusses this difficult reality and startling statistics on how abortion has changed in recent years. This is a conversation you can't miss today on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and David Zanotti. Release Date: Friday, April 19th, 2024
Thu, 4 April 2024
This month, Florida's State Supreme court has made the decision to present a State Constitutional Amendment regarding abortion to Florida voters. The amendment is one sentence that could change history and impact countless lives. Today we share a broadcast from the Shepherd Radio Network with their host Mike Gilland interviewing the president of the American Policy Roundtable, Dave Zanotti. The fight is on and the time to spread the truth is now. Please don't miss this very important episode of The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with host David Zanotti. Release Date: Thursday, April 4th, 2024
Wed, 27 December 2023
Let's finish our conversation with Amy and Brandon and their walk with their special needs daughter Lucy Grace. Their story is a testament to the Lord's faithfulness even in life's most difficult seasons. Anna Welch and Sherry Eyssen guide our conversation, so please join us today on the Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with today's hosts Anna Welch and Sherry Eyssen. Release Date: Wednesday, December 27th, 2023 |
Wed, 29 November 2023
Today we are joined by our friends Amy and Brandon as they share their remarkable experience choosing life which led to the short beautiful life of their daughter Lucy Grace. Our team Anna Welch and Sherry Eyssen lead this inspiring conversation so join us today on the The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with today's hosts Anna Welch and Sherry Eyssen. Release Date: Friday, November 22nd, 2023 |
Fri, 17 November 2023
After Ohio’s recent election, resulting in the enshrining of Abortion, the media has declared that Republicans don’t know how to talk about abortion anymore. As a nonpartisan organization we wonder is that verdict is really true? Or will the media and Big Tech ever give the conversation a chance? There is so much more to our conversation so please join us today on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti. Release Date: Friday, November 17th, 2023 |
Fri, 10 November 2023
Today we face head on the election results of November 7th, 2023. The conversation begins with what happened and why. We take a historic look on how the battle for life in America can and must be won. Joining us is Dr. William B. Allen, one of America's foremost minds in political philosophy and biblical understanding. Please join in this conversation and please - tell a friend. Thanks. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti. Release Date: Friday, November 3rd, 2023 |
Fri, 3 November 2023
Today we bring the closing arguments for Life to the nation. The Courtroom is the State of Ohio. Joining us in the defense are Professor Lee Strang from the University of Toledo Law School and Mr. Larry Obhoff, former President of the Ohio Senate. This is one of the most interesting conversations we have held all year regarding the national importance of this debate. This election will be the number one news story on November 8th. Please join our conversation with these esteemed experts today on The Public Square® and visit for more information regarding Issue One in Ohio. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti. Release Date: Friday, November 3rd, 2023 |
Fri, 20 October 2023
Recently ABC News contacted our national headquarters for comment on Ohio Ballot Issue One. The approach was clear. National news organizations are awakening to the fact that what is happening in Ohio is the beginning of the 2024 Presidential Election. What happens on abortion is vital to the Progressive vote getting machine. Just ask the Governor of Illinois, who has contributed over $250,000 to pro-abortion forces in Ohio and is planning to send in more. What is happening in Ohio is much bigger than abortion. This is a historic watershed. This week we turn to a panel of the world's best minds on this subject for insight and inspiration. Please don't miss this moment today on The Public Square®.Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with host Dave Zanotti. Release Date: Friday, October 20th, 2023 |
Wed, 11 October 2023
Is there a difference between the political battle over abortion and what really happens jn a Planned Parenthood facility? We debrief on our visit with Abby Johnson, who spent eight years inside the world of Planned Parenthood, on this episode of The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti. Release Date: Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 |
Thu, 5 October 2023
Our special guest for this episode is Abby Johnson, the founder of "And Then There Were None." Her organization is dedicated to protecting woman and their unborn children and especially to helping people trapped in jobs in the abortion industry find a way out. Abby is the author of the book Unplanned which details her eight years of employment with Planned Parenthood as she rose through the ranks to become a Clinic Director and Planned Parenthood Employee of the Year. Please listen in to hear Abby's review of what is happening on Ohio Issue 1 and how the abortion debate in Ohio will impact the nation through 2024 and beyond. This unique program is one you just can't miss. And please, tell a friend. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti. Release Date: Thursday, October 5th, 2023 |
Wed, 4 October 2023
Every state in our country is now faced with decisions regarding the issue of abortion. Every day the pro-abortion community wakes up and fights for more power any way they can. What is our response? What are we doing to protect the lives of the unborn? Today our team shares some very difficult truths regarding the lies the other side is spreading. If you haven’t already please visit regarding the critical ballot issue one in Ohio this November and join us for today’s episode on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti. Release Date: Tuesday, October 3rd 2023 |
Fri, 15 September 2023
Are there living abortion survivors who are completely left out of the debate over the right to life? Today we share a very special interview, previously aired on Fox News, with people who survived abortions and their life stories. Our team share their own stories as well and are all sobered with the question: “Where were my rights in the womb?” Please don’t miss this very important episode today on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti. Release Date: Friday, September 15th, 2023 |
Fri, 18 August 2023
Is it a tidal wave or a massive public relations campaign? The abortion industry and Big Pharma are assaulting voters in key states with ballot issues to "enshrine" abortion and so much more. Now Ohio, Florida, New York and Arizona are under attack with more states to come. Can this "tidal wave" be stopped by the majority of Americans who do not support this extremist agenda? Please join us for this open and real conversation today on The Public Square®.
Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti. Release Date: Friday, August 18th 2023 |
Fri, 11 August 2023
The national media is swarming around Ohio trying to connect the dots between the defeat of a proposed Constitutional Amendment and the coming elections national of 2024. Was the defeat of Ohio Issue 1 a “litmus” test for the abortion issue nationwide? What can we learn from ground zero? Please join in the conversation this week on The Public Square.®.
Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with host Dave Zanotti. Release Date: Friday, August 11th 2023 |
Fri, 21 July 2023
The battle between life and death for the unborn is reaching new heights. Planned Parenthood and the ACLU just raised two million dollars in three days to work on a constitutional amendment in Florida. So what is the Pro-Life Community doing in response? Why is there so much fear in engaging in the conversation and taking action? Please join us as we ask these questions and more today on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with host Dave Zanotti. Release Date: Wednesday, July 21st, 2023 |
Wed, 19 July 2023
The era of Roe is over. The new day brings a massive battle across the country regarding abortion and the right to life. Since we began talking about the Ohio Planned Parenthood Abortion Amendment, the virus has spread. New York and Florida are now preparing Amendment battles for 2024. The whole world is now focused on a single battle, in an off-off election year in a single state in the middle of the country. The language of the amendment is way past scary. The amount of money being spent is staggering. We get a report from Ground Zero today on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with host Dave Zanotti. Release Date: Wednesday, July 19th, 2023 |
Fri, 30 June 2023
As the Fourth of July approaches let's go back to the first and inalienable right the Founding Fathers laid out for us - Life. The right to life is recognized as a true and universal truth in the foundation of our nation. Today the fight for life is being framed in new ways and this battle will be coming to your ballot. So please join us as we celebrate Independence Day and discuss how we protect America's first, and most precious, right today on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with host Dave Zanotti. Release Date: Friday, June 29th, 2023 |
Fri, 19 May 2023
Will the right to life - the first right given by the Creator - be lost on our watch? Are Republican party bosses conspiring to end the pro-life debate in the states? We take a hard look into these questions this week on The Public Square®. Please pull up a seat and join in the conversation. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, May 19, 2023 |
Fri, 28 April 2023
The battle is raging in the states over the right to life. Many of the key struggles and decisions are NOT in the headline stories. This week we pull back the curtain on the battle over legislation, litigation and ballot issues in the key swing state of Ohio. Is it possible to lose this key swing state for life? Are pro-life leaders there trying to do the right thing the wrong way? Join us for a conversation you will never hear on cable news this week on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, April 28, 2023 |
Fri, 24 March 2023
What do the Death Eaters of Harry Potter, the Ringwraiths of The Lord of the Rings, and the Abortion industry have in common? They all bring Death. This week, the team is looking at two ballot measures in Ohio and New York with the potential to make the Industry of Death nearly unstoppable. How will these ballot measures affect the polls in upcoming elections? Are these measures coming to your state? Is there hope? All this and more - right here on The Public Square®. Read the proposed Ohio amendment here. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, March 24, 2023 |
Fri, 27 January 2023
On the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision known as Roe v. Wade, Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States, made an official address condemning the 2020 Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe and all Americans who advocate for the life of the innocent unborn child. But that's not all. What else did Vice President Harris say in her speech? What does it mean for the American people? Join us as we discuss this speech and more in this week's episode of The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, January 27, 2023 |
Fri, 6 January 2023
Have we been Sovietized here in America, particularly relating to the issue of Life? How have the terms of the abortion debate changed over time, and how have we been conditioned by living in the shadow of Roe v. Wade? Tune in this week as we delve into this troubling topic, right here on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, January 6, 2023 |
Wed, 5 October 2022
The mass media and politicians are driving the pro-choice agenda in shocking new ways. The tactics for gaining support from any and all voters are no longer hidden. Please listen now as our panel breaks down the false narratives and searches for real answers today on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® with your hosts David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd. Release Date: Wednesday, October 5th, 2022 |
Thu, 29 September 2022
This is the first nationwide election after the fall of Roe v. Wade. Political consultants and the matrix media want us all to believe that pro-abortion outrage will dominate this election and every election to come. The pro-abortion industry wants to convince us all that killing an innocent unborn child is now an American virtue. What is America to do? Tune in this week for an important discussion on the life issue and the 2022 Election. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Air Date: Friday, September 30, 2022 |
Fri, 19 August 2022
What happened in Kansas? How did a pro-life amendment get beat on the ballot? The real story behind the headlines this week on The Public Square®. You don't want to miss this critical link on how the Socialist Progressives are planning to keep abortion on demand a reality across America. For Life, please tune in this week and please share this program with a friend. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, August 19, 2022 |
Thu, 4 August 2022
If you've been listening for a while, you might remember us talking about "the Secretary shall..." from the Obamacare law passed in 2010. Fast forward to 2022 with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. How is the Administrative State using the Department of Health and Human Services to make new rules about abortion and other medical care? Is this legal? Tune in today to hear more on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Thursday, August 4, 2022 |
Fri, 8 July 2022
It’s time for the Annual Roundtable 4th of July Address remembering the Declaration of Independence. Join us as CEO David Zanotti brings the message of “Life After Roe” to the congregants of Bethel Chapel in Ashland, Ohio. This is a program you will want to send out to many. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, July 8, 2022 |
Wed, 4 August 2021
Today we gather to discuss "Roe v. Wade". Our team shares factual evidence on the issue, but also personal experiences about the impact of this court decision. The fight for life is difficult but our passion for the unborn is constantly growing. We pray yours is as well. Please don't miss this episode of The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® with your host Wayne Shepherd. Release Date: Wednesday, August 4th, 2021 |
Fri, 13 March 2020
Have you heard about the speech made by U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer on the steps of the United States Supreme Court? In his remarks, Senator Schumer issued clear threats against two seated Justices of the Court, and against the American people, regarding an abortion case. What's really going on here? Tune in to The Public Square® to hear more. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, March 13, 2020 |
Fri, 24 January 2020
This week we are re-airing one of our most important broadcasts of The Public Square®. You will hear from almost every person who works for the American Policy Roundtable. Most people believe that a change in the U.S. Supreme Court will result in a more pro-life environment and better protections for women and innocent unborn life. What if exactly the opposite is about to occur? We are taking a look at the recent films Gosnell and 3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy, along with state legislation across the country regarding abortion. We urge you to please listen to this broadcast, share it with a friend, think about the nation, and join us in prayer. You don’t want to miss this very important conversation about life right here on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, January 25, 2020 |
Fri, 19 April 2019
Have you seen the movie Unplanned? The film is about Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood Director in southeast Texas, who resigned after witnessing an abortion on an ultrasound. We interviewed Abby Johnson and asked her questions about her story and this film. Please don't miss this important broadcast as we talk about the issue of life and please share this with a friend! The issue is life. Life is the issue. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, April 19, 2019
Fri, 5 April 2019
Don't miss this bonus broadcast with Michelle Tesori, a mother of a child with special needs, as she responds to Ruth Marcus' Op-Ed in The Washington Post titled "I would've aborted a fetus with Down syndrome. Women need that right." To hear more from Paul and Michelle Tesori listen to "Kids, Golf and the Treasure of Life" on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, April 5, 2019
Fri, 8 March 2019
Most people believe that a change in the U.S. Supreme Court will result in a more pro-life environment and better protections for women and innocent unborn life. What if exactly the opposite is about to occur? We are taking a look at the recent films Gosnell and 3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy, along with recent state legislation across the country regarding abortion. We urge you to please listen to this broadcast, share it with a friend, think about the nation, and join us in prayer. You don't want to miss this very important conversation about life right here on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, March 8, 2019
Fri, 24 February 2017
Norma McCorvey ("Jane Roe" of Roe v. Wade) passed away on February 18, 2017. We're taking a look back at the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on this case. Since 1973, what has the court's decision meant for the nation? Where do rights come from as it pertains to the issue of abortion? Tune in today as we discuss this very important topic today on The Public Square®. Topic: Abortion The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, February 24, 2017 |