Fri, 25 August 2017
Should Americans go to war over statues? How do we look at the current battle over monuments in the light of a Biblical worldview? Tune in this week to join the historic conversation right here on The Public Square® and please, tell a friend. Topic: Deep Questions The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, August 4, 2017
Fri, 18 August 2017
The movie is a blockbuster hit. The true story is even better. Please join us this week on The Public Square® for a refreshing conversation about a real miracle. In a time when real Nazis were trying to take over the world a real resistance arose that overcame evil with good. The miracle of Dunkirk is alive and well on The Public Square®. Tune in and join in the adventure. Topic: Rediscovering American History The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, August 18, 2017 |
Fri, 11 August 2017
Did John McCain end the health care debate? Is America doomed to Obamacare? Tune in this week for an enlightening conversation on health care in America and where we go from here. Our special guest is Dr. Charles McGowen who recently wrote a letter to President Trump that we all need to hear. Dr. McGowen knows how we get out of the health care mess. Join us on The Public Square® and join in the conversation. Special Guest: Charles McGowen Topic: Health Care Issues in America The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, August 11, 2017 |
Fri, 4 August 2017
When did displaying the 10 Commandments become illegal in America? Where did that vote take place? Join us this week as we look deeper into the debate over religious liberty and free speech on The Public Square®. And please, tell a friend. Topic: Religious Liberty The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd Release Date: Friday, August 4, 2017