Fri, 27 April 2012
The Public Square This week on The Public Square long format program: The Secret Service Bill is scaring everyone. Unnecessarily. HR 347 is being widely reported on the Internet as a bill passed by Congress that will get lots of people thrown in jail if they try to exercise their First Amendment rights. This one might be more urban legend than reality. Tune in this week to hear special guest, U.S. Congressman Bill Johnson (OH-6), shed some light on this discussion. Guest: Congressman Bill Johnson Topic: National Security |
Fri, 20 April 2012
The Public Square This week on The Public Square long format program: If you’ve read the paper or watched the news or listened to talk radio the past couple of weeks, you may have heard the phrase “war on women.” What are politicians and the media talking about? Why is this “war” happening now? And what is the right response? Tune in today as the team tackles these questions and more, right here on The Public Square. Topic: Elections |
Fri, 13 April 2012
The Public Square This week on The Public Square long format program: Does America face the 21st century unprepared to rightly protect the gift of Liberty founded in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? Is it possible that this great experiment in liberty could perish from the earth because "we the people" simply forget the first principles of freedom? This week on The Public Square the team is sharing a special project from the Roundtable called The American Mission. This curriculum series presents how any thinking citizen can become an effective agent for real change in American culture. Tune in today for a sneak peak of the first week of The American Mission and how you can get access to this important teaching curriculum. The American Mission Curriculum: Topic: The American Mission® |
Thu, 5 April 2012
The Public Square This week on The Public Square long format program: The arguments before the United States Supreme Court have ended but the argument across the nation is just beginning. Did the Supreme Court miss the point during three days of the health care arguments? Are they and judges across the nation missing the point on the very nature of the rule of law? Join the team on The Public Square this weekend as we take a serious look down the road regarding health care and the rule of law. You don't want to miss this important conversation. Topic: Health Care Issues in America |