The Public Square® (Podcast)


Christmas In America
Islam and the West
Health Care Issues in America
Deep Questions
Our Mission
Article One
Rediscovering American History
Intelligent Design
The American Mission®
National Prayer Breakfast
Duck Dynasty
Faith in Culture
Life and Health Issues
Religious Liberty
Role of Goverment
Role of Government
Climate Change
Criminal Justice
International News

















September 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30


Tune in to The Public Square® as we discuss the U.S. Supreme Court victory for Hobby Lobby featuring a special interview with Adele Keim of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. You won't want to miss this conversation!

Guest: Adele Keim

Topic: Health Care Issues in America

The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd

Direct download: Jul1214.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:57pm EDT

Please tune in for a special Fourth of July program on The Public Square® featuring guest, John Philip Sousa, IV. He is the great-grandson of the famous composer of none other than "The Stars and Stripes Forever." You won't want to miss this special program featuring great musical compositions. Please tune in and Happy Independence Day!

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Guest: John Philip Sousa IV

The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd

Direct download: Jul0514.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:03pm EDT

How does the average American spend their time? How about their money? Join in this personal and revealing conversation about time, money, and what that has to do with the good of the country today on The Public Square®. Please don't miss out on this important conversation.

Topic: Our Mission

The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd

Direct download: Jun2814.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:06pm EDT

Who created the Tea Party? Was the Tea Party honestly responsible for the recent victory of David Brat over House Majority Leader Eric Cantor? We're talking about the differences between perception and reality in American political life this weekend. Join in this enlightening and encouraging discussion on The Public Square®. This conversation just might change the way we all look at politics in America.

Topic: Elections

The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd

Direct download: Jun2114.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:34am EDT

Can a society really live in a world where the government takes care of all of your problems? Will Obamacare bring about a health care Utopia or something quite the opposite? We're asking these questions and more this weekend on The Public Square®. Please tune in to hear coverage on these issues you won't hear anywhere else.

Topic: Health Care Issues in America

The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd

Direct download: Jun1414.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:25pm EDT

Term Limits. Remember that epic struggle from the 1990's? Citizens united across 14 states and passed constitutional amendments to limit politicians terms. Now those politicians are working to take those laws off the books. Good idea? Bad Idea? Join in the conversation this week on The Public Square®.

Topic: Role of Government

The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd

Direct download: Jun0714.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:08pm EDT

Looks like we're kicking up some dust this week on the program. Can Ben Carson, can President Obama, can any Presidential candidate "save" America? This is going to be quite an interesting conversation. Plus a debrief about our recent visit with listeners in Peoria, Illinois. Tune in today!

Topic: Role of Government

The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd

Direct download: May3114.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:42pm EDT

Did you know that the ship that carried the first atomic bomb was blown up by the Japanese? This week on The Public Square® we hear from a U.S. Marine veteran from World War II. Mr. Ed Harrell lived quite an amazing story in the South Pacific in 1945. He was one of the Marines who stood guard over the atomic bomb while it was being transported. He also spent a harrowing five days shipwrecked and presumed lost at sea.

On this Memorial Day weekend, we take a few moments to consider the generation that just one lifetime ago was fighting and bleeding and dying so that we could live free today.

Guest: Ed Harrell

Topic: Holidays

The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd

Direct download: May2414.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:14am EDT

What ever happened to "agreeing to disagree"? That line, so often used for the past 30 years by the Left seems to have disappeared. Today we see a very different side of the political Left and their allies among the media elites. What changed and will the new intolerance on the Left spiral into a higher threat to liberty across America? Will disagreeing with the Left soon cost you a job, your religious liberty or land you in jail?  Join in the conversation this week on The Public Square®.

Topic: Religious Liberty

The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd

Direct download: May1714.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:23am EDT

Please tune in as we celebrate the beautiful gift and incredible importance of motherhood. We're talking about how moms helped shape America's history. This is a broadcast the whole family will want to hear. Tune in as we honor mothers on this special 25th Anniversary edition of The Public Square®.

Topic: Holidays

The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd

Direct download: May1014.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:19pm EDT

Does one vote really make a difference? We hear that question often. Tune in this week to The Public Square® to hear how important your vote really is and how you can make a positive difference in the process this year. Plus a special announcement about the project, tune in today!

Topic: Elections

The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd

Direct download: May0314.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:54pm EDT

The Public Square® 
60 Minute Program 
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd 
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

Some are declaring that the debate on Obamacare is over. Is it? How can the debate be over on a bill the President, the Congress and the Supreme Court never read? Tune in as we discuss what is coming up next on Obamacare, plus we share listener comments and some interesting reports from the field. Why is the truth winning even in the world of public policy? Tune in to find out!

Topic: Health Care Issues in America

Direct download: Apr2614.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

The Public Square® 
60 Minute Program 
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd 
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

Tired of class warfare in America? Even more tired of the frustrations of poverty on our streets, in our cities and across the globe?

This week on The Public Square® join in a conversation with Dr. Wayne Grudem, co-author of the new best seller The Poverty of Nations. Listen in to a vibrant discussion on what the Bible has to say about poverty and how most of what we are doing today does not work, and why. This is one you don't want to miss. The Poverty of Nations -- and how to fix it. This week on The Public Square®.

Guest: Dr. Wayne Grudem

Topic: Deep Questions

Direct download: Apr1914-new.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:24pm EDT

The Public Square®
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

Inside the ropes at Augusta National -- not a place most people in the world will ever walk. Yet millions around the world watch the drama of the Masters unfold every spring.

Join us this week as we talk with Paul Tesori, PGA Tour Caddy for U.S. Open Champion Webb Simpson. In this interview we learn how two Christian men seek to walk out their faith in culture with millions watching. The story is touching, transparent and real -- this week on The Public Square®.

Guest: Paul Tesori

Topic: Faith in Culture

Direct download: Apr1214.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:37am EDT

The Public Square®
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

Enter the courtroom of the United States Supreme Court today on The Public Square®. We are dissecting the recent Supreme Court hearings on the Hobby Lobby Obamacare suit including audio from the oral arguments. What happened that day in the Court? Will justice prevail? Tune in today as we discuss the recent hearings on this case and why it matters.

Topic: Health Care Issues in America

Direct download: Apr0514new.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:55am EDT

The Public Square®
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

Is there really a 1% and 99% division in the nation? We're having a conversation on class warfare this weekend on The Public Square®. What does the Bible have to say about the issues of wealth, poverty and government? How are we seeing this played out in the current political dialogue? Tune in today to hear more.

Topic: Deep Questions

Direct download: Mar2914.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:27pm EDT

The Public Square®
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

Did you hear about Darwin and the 10 Questions? Find out what people are talking about coast to coast by tuning in this week to The Public Square®.

Join Don Cochran and Dr. Charles McGowen as they continue their discussions about what Darwin didn't know and how the world might look different today -- if he had only known.

Guest: Dr. Charles McGowen, Don Cochran

Topic: Intelligent Design

Direct download: Mar2214.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:18am EDT

The Public Square®
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

Why should we care about what's going on in Russia, Crimea and Ukraine? Many are asking lots of questions about recent international events there. We believe a true biblical worldview encompasses foreign policy and how nations relate to one another on this globe. Tune in today as we dive into lots of questions, the history of these nations, the Cold War, Communism and why all of this truly matters. Plus a discussion in the later part of the program on campaign finance as it relates to free speech...we promise it won't be boring!  Please tune in today.

Topic: Foreign Policy

Direct download: Mar1514.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:48pm EDT

The Public Square®
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

Do origins matter? Two great shows are coming up and we're releasing Part One today featuring special guests, Dr. Charles McGowen and Don Cochran, two excellent scientific minds as it pertains to the question of origins. Tune in today -- you don't want to miss out on this fascinating conversation!

Guest: Dr. Charles McGowen, Don Cochran

Topic: Intelligent Design

Direct download: Mar0814.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:05pm EDT

The Public Square®
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

"Baptists and Bootleggers." Say what??

A recent editorial came out with this title. It was talking about the strange bedfellows in today's political mix. No offense to Baptists (we actually defend them in this program) but this week's broadcast is full of surprises. The real conversation is about lawlessness. What happens when a President, Governor or Judge defies the Constitution and takes the law into their own hands? It is happening right here, right now in America.

Will the rest of America wake up in time? Please tune in to join the conversation.

Topic: Role of Government

Direct download: Mar0114.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:40pm EDT

The Public Square®
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

We LOVE comedy. Stuff can get heavy around here sometimes as we're dealing with big policy issues and questions on The Public Square® . Perhaps that's why we love comedy so much. This weekend on The Public Square® we have special guest, comedian Michael Jr., on the program. Tune in as we hear more about Michael's story and how he is bringing laughter and a message of hope into the marketplace.

Guest: Michael Jr.

Topic: Best of TPS

Direct download: Feb2214.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:21pm EDT

The Public Square®
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

Nixon Lied. Clinton Lied. LBJ lied...and so on the story goes. Yes, it is depressing and hard to think about. Lying is an equal opportunity destroyer. Democrat Presidents lie. Republican Presidents lie. Is the current President lying about health care? Sorry but somebody has to ask the question out loud. Did he tell a lie to the whole nation in his State of the Union Address and is the media letting him get away with it -- again?

Tune in today to hear the full story on The Public Square® with a special interview from Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7).

Guest: Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn

Topic: Health Care Issues in America

Direct download: Feb1514.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:19am EDT

The Public Square®
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

What did William Wilberforce have to say about real, true, Christianity? What did he have to say about the issues of the Church back in the late 1700s and how is this similar to the American church today?

This week on The Public Square®, hear more from Dr. Bob Beltz, author of "Real Christianity," who opens up the mind of Wilberforce on what it looks like to genuinely walk out a life of faith in all of life. We think you'll really enjoy this special extended version of the program featuring bonus stories from Dr. Beltz's work on the films, Amazing Grace, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Bible series on the History Channel and more. Tune in today.

Guest: Dr. Bob Beltz

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Feb0814.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:19pm EDT

The Public Square®
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

For 25 years The Public Square® has celebrated great minds who have brought forth a true witness to America. This week we share a special anniversary gift as we bring back recordings with the late Charles Colson and Dr. Francis Schaeffer. Join the panel as we celebrate the thinking that has helped birth real change in America on The Public Square®.

Guest: Chuck Colson

Topic: 25th Anniversary Series

Direct download: Feb0114.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:08am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

Lots of people are complaining about Congress. Who is praying for them? Tune in this weekend to The Public Square® to hear more about our annual 40 Days of Prayer for Congress. We start off each year praying for our leaders in Congress across the nation. Why is prayer so important? Tune in today to hear more, and please join us starting February 1st online at as we begin the 40 Days of Prayer.

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Jan2514.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:15am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

"I feel someone must remain in the position of non-alignment, so that he can look objectively at both parties and be the conscience of both—not the servant or master of either." -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

We have one national holiday that honors a pastor. Many people forget that Martin Luther King Jr. was in fact a pastor. This week we get the privilege of interviewing one of our own, Dr. Sterling Glover, about the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King Jr. whom he knew. Tune in to hear some inspiring stories about Dr. King through Dr. Glover's experiences as we honor both of these men and their leadership today on The Public Square®.

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Jan1814.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:37pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

Congress and the President didn't read the Affordable Care Act before passing the over 2,500 page legislation. This law has birthed over 10,000 pages (and counting) of federal administrative code and regulations. The politicians passed a law and handed our health care to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats who seemingly are making this up as they go.

The ground keeps shifting on Obamacare. Lots of things have changed and a whole lot of unexpected consequences have come up because of this law. We share one story today on the program involving the Little Sisters of the Poor. Is there still hope for a way out of this mess? Tune in today to hear more.

Topic: Health Care Issues in America

Direct download: Jan1114.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:59pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

What are the big issues for 2014? All around the country people are discouraged, for a lot of good reasons, when they think about the future of the nation. Why are we hopeful? Tune in today to start off this new year on The Public Square® and learn how you can make a positive change for the country.

Topic: Article One

Direct download: Jan0414.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?" It's a Wonderful Life, 1946

George Bailey can teach us all a lot about life. Every year we dedicate the last program of December to think about what Frank Capra and Jimmy Stewart were trying to tell America in the classic film "It's a Wonderful Life." So grab your last holiday cup of cheer and join us around the radio this week on The Public Square®.

Topic: Holidays

Direct download: Dec2813.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:05am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

What better way to celebrate Christmas than by listening to Part II of Christmas In America. We are traveling back to 1965 as we look at the issues facing the nation and in some cases tearing the nation apart. Charles Schulz is our special guest (in absentia) as we see how his TV special helped spread the true meaning of Christmas to the world.

Recorded live before an audience from Cuyahoga Community College in Northeast Ohio, please tune in to this very special program and pass this on to your family and friends. Merry Christmas from all of us at The Public Square®!

Guest Name: David Mullen

Topic: Christmas In America

Direct download: Dec2113.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:44pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This year Christmas In America on The Public Square® travels back to 1965. We look at the issues facing the nation and in some cases tearing the nation apart. We highlight the gifts, ministry and impact of an unlikely character, the artist Charles Schulz and how his TV special helped spread the true meaning of Christmas to the world. Recorded live before an audience right from the campus of Cuyahoga Community College in Northeast Ohio, please tune in to this very special program. And don't forget to share this program as a Christmas present with your family and friends. Plus, tune in next week for Part II. Merry Christmas from all of us at The Public Square®!

Guest Name: David Mullen

Topic: Christmas In America

Direct download: Dec1413.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:44am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

What happens when political opponents consistently call anyone who disagrees with them crazy or insane? What happens when we begin to dehumanize anyone who disagrees politically on any matter? This week on The Public Square® the broadcast team jumps into these questions with some very real life examples and news articles. How are we called to act towards someone we disagree with politically and what do we do about all of this? Tune in today to hear more.

Topic: Politics

Direct download: Dec0713.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

The Public Square®
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at The Public Square®. What better way to celebrate this season of thanksgiving and Advent, then to tune in to this weekend's show featuring the "best of" from Christmas In America 2011 and 2012. Special presentations from Eric Metaxas, Dave Zanotti, Dr. Sterling Glover, with music from award winning artists Phil Keaggy, David and Nicole C. Mullen, Johnnyswim, Bing Crosby, and more! Make sure to tune in on this Thanksgiving weekend.

Topic: Christmas In America

Direct download: Nov3013.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

The Public Square®
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

Is there a link between the lessons learned in colonial Jamestown and Obamacare? Tune in for this Thanksgiving discussion and find out. We turn back the clock and revisit November 2009 just BEFORE the passage of Obamacare. Have the concerns so many expressed back then turned out to be real? Are there lessons here from history we can no longer afford to forget? A great conversation that leads to positive alternatives for which we all can be thankful this weekend on The Public Square®.

Topic: Holidays

Direct download: Nov2313.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:33pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

What happens when a Governor breaks the law in the name of "compassion," "jobs," or for the sake of "the poor"? What does the Bible teach about poverty, charity and the rule of law? This week the TPS team takes on a story that most of the national media has ducked -- until now. Tune in and find out more this week on The Public Square.

Topic: Health Care Issues in America

Direct download: Nov1613.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:19am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week's broadcast of The Public Square® is brought to you by the number 6.

Why isn't Obamacare working? The answer is simple. So is the solution. Today on the program, we're digging into why is such a mess. What can you do to make a difference in this debate? Don't miss out on this conversation.

Topic: Health Care Issues in America

Direct download: Nov0913.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:51pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

What is Free Think University? This week on The Public Square® we had the opportunity to talk with Jim Van Eerden, co-founder of Free Think University about this new, dynamic way of learning. Interested in a fresh perspective on the whole higher education model?

This concept of re-engaging the generations to dialogue over important life questions, will rock the world of academics and lead to fruitful change. Don't miss this conversation today on The Public Square® with special guest Jim Van Eerden.

Guest Name: Jim Van Eerden

Topic: Education

Direct download: Oct2613.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:17pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

What is the Article One project? Tune in today to hear more about this very important outreach of the American Policy Roundtable and new booklet with an outline on how you can make a difference for the nation.

Topic: Article One

Direct download: Oct1913.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:54pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

Who is the forgotten man? Tune in today as we take a fresh perspective on an archive program of The Public Square® with special guest, author and columnist Amity Shlaes. Are there some modern day parallels from the Great Depression and New Deal in light of what's going on today with Obamacare and other extensions of the government? What can we learn from history here? Tune in today as we discuss -- you won't want to miss this!

Guest: Amity Shlaes

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Oct1213.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:06am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

You've heard the line "Corporations aren't people." Perhaps you remember it from Occupy Wall Street two years ago. What makes up a "corporation"? Is it a bunch of "things" or is it "people"? This is the discussion on this week's edition of The Public Square®. Plus, the team will give an important update on the Hobby Lobby/Obamacare court case. You won't want to miss this conversation -- tune in today.

Topic: Health Care Issues in America

Direct download: Oct0513.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:30pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Ricky Skaggs and his wife Sharon join in the conversation. Learn more about their legendary careers in country and bluegrass music and their passion to see America turn back toward God and His principles. This exclusive conversation from The Public Square® Archive is something you don't want to miss and will want to share. Join us today on The Public Square®.

Guest Name: Ricky Skaggs, Sharon White

Topic: Music

Direct download: Sep2813.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:22pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

If we lose God in culture and law, will we lose man as well? This week we talk through that question with Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, former chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom and a member of the British House of Lords. This is a broadcast from the The Public Square® archive you won't want to miss!

Guest Name: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Sep2113.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:42pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

Is the right to conscience still alive in America? Or did it die at the United States Supreme Court? That's coming up this weekend on The Public Square®.

James Madison called conscience "the most sacred of all property." Which is the theme of a conversation we are having at the Roundtable right now. As we continue to study the news stories coming in from across the nation on the marriage debate we discover a similar theme. Real people with real families and real businesses are getting wiped out by the U.S. Supreme Court's edicts on human sexuality and personhood. The question is: what happens next for people who simply disagree? Tune in today to hear more.

Topic: Marriage

Direct download: Sep1413.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:37pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

Sometimes the little guys win...Today we're taking a look at the "remnant" throughout history and throughout the Bible. Every Monday as a staff at the Roundtable we open up the Bible and study it and pray. This week we're going to go behind-the-scenes of the Roundtable and do a radio bible study on "remnants." Tune in today.

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Sep0713.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:08pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

What happens when political opponents consistently call anyone who disagrees with them crazy or insane? What happens when we begin to dehumanize anyone who disagrees politically on any matter? This week on The Public Square® the broadcast team jumps into these questions with some very real life examples and news articles. How are we called to act towards someone we disagree with politically and what do we do about all of this? Tune in today to hear more.

Topic: Health Care Issues in America

Direct download: Aug3113.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:56pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

What did Jesus mean when he said, "love your neighbor as yourself"? Who exactly is my neighbor? Listen in on today's conversation as Dave Zanotti gives a presentation recorded live at Bethel Baptist Church in Savannah, Ohio on loving your neighbor and revival in the realm of public policy. What does God think about government? Does He care about all of this stuff? Tune in today as we continue The American Mission® series with this new edition.

Topic: The American Mission®

Direct download: Aug2413.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:03pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

What is the latest on Obamacare? Is the law going to stand up against new legal challenges? Is there still time to amend this law and prevent the coming train wreck? This week we talk with Adele Keim of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty about the Hobby Lobby Case. What happens when Obamacare collides with your religious liberty? Tune in to find out more this week on The Public Square®.

Topic: Health Care Issues in America

Direct download: Aug1713.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:42am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

What's next with the marriage debate? Might we learn more about the future by looking back and seeing how this debate was mishandled in the first place? Tune in to Part Four of the series on Marriage in America this week on The Public Square®.

Topic: Marriage

Direct download: Aug1013.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:43am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

For years the media called it "the sexual revolution." Pop culture thought it was cute. Madison Avenue knew it would sell. But did anyone consider what would happen if we tried to base our laws on this revolutionary standard? Tune in this week as the broadcast team enters part three on the Marriage Debate and looks at the bigger questions now facing America.

Topic: Marriage

Direct download: Aug0313.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

Tune in to part two of the marriage debate on The Public Square® this weekend. What exactly did Justice Kennedy and Justice Scalia write in their opinions on the marriage decisions? What does this mean for the nation? The team has spent countless hours researching the marriage cases and this debate. They'll be bringing up things you aren't hearing through the mainstream media. Plus they'll be talking to Michael Geer, President of the Pennsylvania Family Institute, about the current marriage cases in Pennsylvania and how that impacts the rest of the country. What happens when the courts get it wrong? Tune in today to hear more.

Topic: Marriage

Direct download: Jul2713.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:46am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This weekend begins part one of our discussion on the marriage debate here on The Public Square®. Dave Zanotti, Wayne Shepherd, and the team are diving into deep questions on the first installment of this discussion. What is gender? Where did it come from? Where did marriage come from anyways? They have spent hours researching the recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions on marriage and will bring to the table an analysis on those decisions. But first, they go back to first principles and first questions. Tune in today to hear this important discussion.

Topic: Marriage

Direct download: Jul2013.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:30pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

Is the U.S. Constitution a godless document? The Freedom From Religion Foundation would like you to believe so.  Were the Founders atheists? Tune in this weekend to The Public Square® to hear the historical side of the story along with the facts about the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration, the faith of the Founders, and more.

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Jul1313.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:13pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

Join in the celebration! Enjoy this special edition of The Public Square® with musical guests David and Nicole C. Mullen, The Adventures of Rodeo and Juliet, The John Hancock Band, and more. A Celebration of Liberty was recorded live at Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN on Saturday evening, June 29th and features great music, historical presentations, and much more. This program also features an inspiring live interview with Roy Costner, the valedictorian from Liberty High School in South Carolina who said the Lord's Prayer at his commencement. As the nation celebrates the Fourth of July this week, tune in to this very special Independence Day edition of The Public Square®.

Topic: Celebration of Liberty

Direct download: Jul0613.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:49pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

Program Note to all Station Managers and Listeners:

Yes, we know everyone is talking about the marriage decision -- but we are holding that broadcast just a little longer to solidify our research and resources. So this week on The Public Square® we talk about The Summer Book Club -- the key books that we are reading and how reading changes everything, even Supreme Court decisions. It's a setup for the next story, the Celebration of Liberty live on The Public Square®, and then as the dust settles we face the future of life in America under the rulings of this deeply troubled Supreme Court. All three weeks are connected. So join us as the story unfolds this week on The Public Square®.

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Jun2913.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:11pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

Is life in America starting to look more and more like the book 1984? Tune in today as the team talks about the real questions behind the NSA through the prism of a biblical worldview. U.S. Congressman Jim Jordan joins the discussion from Capitol Hill.

Topic: National Defense

Direct download: Jun2213.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:37am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

Does your government scare you? Why does the right role of government truly matter? These are the questions that the team is asking this weekend on The Public Square®. What happens if you don't like the direction the government is taking? Can positive changes really be made? Tune in today as we dive into these questions and more!

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Jun1513.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:22pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Ricky Skaggs and his wife Sharon join in the conversation. Learn more about their legendary careers in country and bluegrass music and their passion to see America turn back toward God and His principles. This exclusive conversation is something you don't want to miss and will want to share. Join us on The Public Square®.

Guest: Ricky Skaggs, Sharon White

Topic: Music

Direct download: JUNE0813-LONG-96.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:04pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:
Faith, Family, and Ducks

Back by popular demand, this weekend on The Public Square® tune in to hear from the Duck Commander himself, Phil Robertson. The Public Square® took to the road in April to bring you a compilation of exclusive interviews surrounding an event held at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee featuring Miss Kay, Phil and Si Robertson from A&E’s hit show, Duck Dynasty. This show has been one of the most talked about programs on The Public Square®, so we have decided to re-air the program in case you missed it the first time. Hear more about the Robertson family story and their ministry this weekend on The Public Square®.

Guest: Phil, Miss Kay and Si Robertson

Topic: Duck Dynasty

Direct download: Jun0113.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:04am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:
Memorial Day 2013

Join us this weekend on The Public Square® as we remember all of those who have and are serving in the military. Why is it important to remember? How must we all serve the nation in this hour, in this time? As many have extra time off this weekend, join in the conversation here on The Public Square® as we remember Memorial Day.

Topic: Holidays

Direct download: May2513.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:59am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:
A Celebration of Liberty

Join us for A Celebration of Liberty on June 29th in Nashville, Tennessee and be a part of the live recording audience for a special Fourth of July edition of The Public Square®. Special guests from around the nation will be joining us including David and Nicole C. Mullen, The Adventures of Rodeo and Juliet, The John Hancock Band, and more. Why are we taking the time to celebrate the Declaration in an event this year? What's the connection between Liberty and the Gospel? Tune in today to hear more about it!

Topic: Celebration of Liberty

Direct download: May1813.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:23pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:
Faith, Family, and Ducks

This weekend on The Public Square® tune in to hear from the Duck Commander himself, Phil Robertson. The Public Square® took to the road to bring you a compilation of exclusive interviews surrounding an event held at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee featuring Miss Kay, Phil and Si Robertson from A&E’s hit show, Duck Dynasty. Hear more about their story and their ministry this weekend on The Public Square®. You won't want to miss this!

Guest: Phil, Miss Kay, and Si Robertson

Topic: Duck Dynasty

Direct download: May1113.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:41am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:
Government - Good or Evil?

Should we live in fear of the government? Join the team of The Public Square® this week for a discussion on the role of government. What happens if government goes bad? What does the Declaration of Independence say, and does this line up with the Bible? Tune in for answers to these questions all this weekend on The Public Square®.

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: May0413.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:47pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:
State of the Broadcast

What about immigration reform, marriage, poverty, terrorism, the national debt and the many issues pressing in on America today? How is The Public Square® planning on bringing Biblical principles into these debates? How can listeners join in and make a positive difference? Wayne Shepherd and David Zanotti, co-hosts of the broadcast, take time to lay out a strategic plan for listeners on this week's broadcast.

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Apr2713.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:29am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

Is the word "equality" in the U.S. Constitution? Is it in the Bible? If so, where? Tune in this weekend to The Public Square® as the team discusses the concept and idea behind this word. Where does equality come from and why does that matter? Find out more on this week's edition of The Public Square®.

Topic: Marriage

Direct download: Apr2013.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:09am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

God's Numbers (The American Mission® Week 7)

Is America over? Some people seem to think so. "Not enough people care" is their lament. But how many people does it take to see a nation turn back to righteousness? Tune in this week and find out. You'll hear a presentation of "God's Numbers" the seventh installment in The American Mission® series by David Zanotti, CEO of the Roundtable. Hear hope here and share it with a friend.

Do you like The American Mission® series? You can order the full length teaching series right here:

Topic: The American Mission®

Direct download: Apr1313.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:25pm EDT

The Public Square®
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

Marriage: The Missing Piece

What were the oral arguments like as the U.S. Supreme Court heard two cases recently on the definition of marriage? What was brought up in these hearings? What was left out? As this debate continues to unfold across the nation, tune in to The Public Square® to hear an analysis from the panel on the court hearings, the definition of marriage, and more.

Topic: Marriage

Direct download: Apr0613.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:11am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

Roe v. Wade Again

The United States Supreme Court has heard two cases on the definition of marriage during Holy Week 2013. The real questions facing the Court may never see the light of day or a television screen. The first among these questions is this: How can non-elected Justices, or any court or legislature, re-define a term that precedes government altogether? Join us this weekend on The Public Square® as the team discusses this very important issue and stay tuned in the next several weeks as the outcome of these two cases unfolds.

Topic: Marriage

Direct download: Mar3013.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:55am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

America the Beautiful with Dr. Ben Carson

Join Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd as they interview Dr. Ben Carson on The Public Square®. Dr. Carson is the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital and the founder of the Carson’s Scholar Fund. Dr. Carson has been in the news several times in the past month and was a guest speaker at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast. Just this week he was on the front page of the New York Times. Tune in today for an exclusive interview with Dr. Carson on The Public Square®.

Guest: Dr. Ben Carson

Topic: Education

Direct download: Mar2313.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:32pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square® Long Format Program:

What About Jesus?
New Edition/The American Mission® Series

Does the Great Commission go beyond conversion?  Listen in on today's conversation as Dave Zanotti gives a presentation recorded live at First Baptist Church Naples on the Great Commission. What is a believer's role in the marketplace in reflection of the Great Commission? Tune in today as the team continues The American Mission® series with this new topic.

Topic: The American Mission®

Direct download: Mar1613.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:25am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

Does any President have the authority to redefine the Declaration of Independence?

This week on The Public Square the team is discussing a new publication in production by the American Policy Roundtable called, "A Spare Hall: The Declaration of Independence Redefined by President Barack Obama." This new booklet and e-book features a commentary by Dave Zanotti, co-host of The Public Square, on President Obama’s Inauguration speech and more. Tune in today to learn more about this new project.

To order "A Spare Hall":

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Mar0913.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:33pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

What does the Bible say about evil? Is there a way to address evil and still have hope, joy and victory?

Getting involved in American civil government, public policy and life in general can be overwhelming, especially when you look at all that's going wrong. It's easy to get overwhelmed and want to run away and hide. Is there a Biblical prescription to dealing with evil? You may be surprised to find that this question can be answered with three simple words. Tune in today to hear what these three words are as we continue The American Mission® series in Week 6 with teacher and author Dr. David Zanotti.

Do you like The American Mission® series? You can order the full length teaching series right here:

Topic: The American Mission®

Direct download: Mar0213.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:24am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

Teddy Roosevelt called it "the bully pulpit." But what happens if the President becomes the pulpit bully? Join the discussion on the concept of the rule of law and what happens when elected officials break those rules. The panel takes on the tough issues from a biblical perspective this week on The Public Square.

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Feb1613.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:35am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

Are the words "separation of church and state" in the U.S. Constitution or Declaration of Independence? Where did this phrase come from and what was its original meaning? This week on The Public Square® the team is continuing the radio series on a special project from the Roundtable called The American Mission®. This curriculum series presents how any thinking citizen can become an effective agent for real change in American culture. Tune in today for a sneak peek of Week 5 of The American Mission® which continues a conversation on the history, context, and idea behind the phrase "separation of church and state." Join the radio classroom right here on The Public Square®. (For Part I of this conversation - listen here).

Topic: The American Mission®

Direct download: Feb0913.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:59pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

The issue won't go away. Religious liberty is slipping away in America. People of faith are becoming second class citizens? What is to be done? The conversation continues with positive answers on the way on this week's edition of The Public Square. Tune in now and learn more.

Topic: Religious Liberty

Direct download: Feb0213.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:14pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

What’s the history behind the 2nd Amendment? Is there a biblical doctrine of self-defense? This weekend on The Public Square, Dave Zanotti, Wayne Shepherd and the panel are discussing the history behind the 2nd Amendment and what is currently going on in Congress and with the President regarding the gun debate. What is this really all about? Tune in this weekend to join the conversation on The Public Square.

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Jan2613.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:29am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

What happened to Pastor Louie Giglio and why? The President invited him to speak at the Inauguration but the Pastor's beliefs clearly got in the way. Eric Metaxas joins David Zanotti, Wayne Shepherd and the panel for this week's conversation on religious liberty on The Public Square.

For a listing of radio stations and times click here.

Guest: Eric Metaxas

Topic: Religious Liberty

Direct download: January1913.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:12pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

Hearing a lot about the avoided fiscal cliff in recent news headlines? This week on The Public Square, Dave Zanotti, Wayne Shepherd, and the team are talking about the nation’s debt and financial situation, and the war on poverty. Special guest, Congressman Jim Jordan, will be joining us as well. Tune in as the team asks: What's next? And what will it take to help Congress realize that Americans are serious about spending cuts and debt reduction? Tune in this weekend on The Public Square.

Guest: Congressman Jim Jordan

Topic: National Debt

Direct download: Jan1213.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:26pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

What is America? Pretty big question. How would Abraham Lincoln answer that question today? Have you seen the movie? We have and will be talking about the real issues behind "Lincoln" this week on The Public Square.

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Jan0513.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:24pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?" It's a Wonderful Life, 1946

It's that time of year again. It's the sort of time around here on The Public Square® we start thinking about the movie, It's a Wonderful Life. Why do we spend time around the New Year to talk about this movie? It's the simple life lessons learned from this film that speak volumes. Will you join us this New Year's weekend and tune in to The Public Square® as we celebrate this Christmas season and the new year to come? Thanks and Happy New Year!

Topic: Holidays

Direct download: Dec2912.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:38am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

Join us this weekend for Part II of Christmas In America on The Public Square! Recorded live from Northeast Ohio this special program features beautiful Christmas music from David and Nicole C. Mullen, Johnnyswim, Four Wall Flight, and many others, along with special guest, Eric Metaxas, author of bestsellers, Amazing Grace, Bonhoeffer, and Socrates in the City.

Travel back to the 1940's as The Public Square takes you to Christmas In America: The War Years. As your baking cookies, wrapping presents, or searching the Internet, make sure to join the celebration. You won't want to miss this Christmas classic! Merry Christmas!

Guest: Eric Metaxas

Topic: Christmas In America

Direct download: Dec2212.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:32am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

Christmas In America on The Public Square is here! Join us this week from Northeast Ohio at the very special Christmas In America program. This broadcast recorded live includes fantastic Christmas music from David and Nicole C. Mullen, Johnnyswim, Four Wall Flight, and many others, along with special guest, Eric Metaxas, author of bestsellers, Amazing Grace, Bonhoeffer, and Socrates in the City.

This year, The Public Square will take you back to the 1940's with Christmas In America: The War Years. Sing along with us as we hear some of the classics from Bing Crosby, journey through history with David McCullough and Laura Hillenbrand, and rediscover the connection and importance between liberty and the manger. You won't want to miss this Christmas classic!

Come join the carols from a classic era as you sip a warm cup of hot chocolate and gather 'round the radio (or computer/smartphone etc.) for The Public Square circa 1940. And don't forget to join us next week for Part II of Christmas In America.

Merry Christmas!

Guest: Eric Metaxas

Topic: Christmas In America

Direct download: Dec1512.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 2:42pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square Long Format Program:

Do you remember watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special on television when you were a kid? Remember that tiny Christmas tree, the kid with the blanket, everyone's favorite beagle, good ol' Chuck, and the message of hope spoken from a child?

This week on the program, the team uncovers the story of how this Christmas special became a true classic in spite of network media executives who tried to scuttle the project. Thanks for tuning in.

Topic: Holidays

Direct download: Dec0812.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:53am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This Week on The Public Square:

Are Christians simply interested in political power? Or is there a bigger reason to care about civil government? The Public Square panel discusses recent media attacks leveled against Evangelicals on this weekend's edition of The Public Square.

Topic: Elections

Direct download: Dec0112.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:50pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This Week on The Public Square:

What does the Bible teach about the role of government? What did the Founders think about the basic purpose of government? As we reflect on Thanksgiving, tune in to this week's program of The Public Square. The team is discussing the true stories of Thanksgiving and more. Tune in today!

Topic: Holidays

Direct download: Nov2412.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This Week on The Public Square:

Tune it to this week's edition of The Public Square to hear from Dr. Gary Frost, President of the Concerts of Prayer, Greater New York. He’ll share firsthand about the destruction of Hurricane Sandy on the New York City area, and ways to help in the aftermath of the storm. He’ll also share with Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd about the powerful story of Gideon. Tune in today with special guest Dr. Gary Frost.

Guest: Dr. Gary Frost

Topic: Disaster Recovery

Direct download: Nov1712.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:56pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This Week on The Public Square:

“What just happened to the nation?” was the most frequently asked question the team of the American Policy Roundtable got on November 7th and following. After many hours of data analysis the answers are pretty basic. Join The Public Square team for their 2012 election analysis and as they answer another common question being asked around the country: "So what do we do now?" Tune in today.

Topic: Elections

Direct download: Nov1012.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:42pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This Week on The Public Square:

What happens when the Supreme Court gets it wrong? What happens when the government asks you to do something that violates your conscience?

This week on The Public Square we'll be continuing the series, "Leadership 2012: The Critical Issues Facing America" recorded live from First Baptist Church Orlando. This week's discussion covers the marriage issue, the freedom of conscience, the health care mandate, and the role of the Supreme Court. Tune in today to hear more and just one more reason why the 2012 election is so important.

Topic: The American Mission®

Direct download: Nov0312.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:07pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

Tune it to this week's edition of The Public Square® to hear Dr. David Zanotti continue in the series, “Leadership 2012: The Critical Issues Facing America” recorded live from First Baptist Church in Orlando, Florida.

This week’s discussion revolves around the nature and tone of the race for Presidency this year. Dave looks at what God tried to teach ancient Israel about responsibility and government. He also discusses and the voter handbooks that are being distributed across the country and online. How and why does this voter outreach matter? Tune in today to hear more.

Topic: The American Mission®

Direct download: Oct2712.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:16pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

Is there a hidden industry working to shape the 2012 election? Is the hand of influence hidden in plain view?

Tune in to this week's edition of The Public Square to hear Dr. David Zanotti and Rob Walgate continue in the series, “Leadership 2012: The Critical Issues Facing America” recorded live from First Baptist Church in Orlando, Florida.

Topic: The American Mission®

Direct download: Oct2012.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

What’s the solution to our national debt? How did America get into this mess? This week The Public Square continues a series of policy briefings titled "Leadership 2012" recorded live at First Baptist Church Orlando. This week on the program, Dave Zanotti, CEO of the Roundtable, is covering the topic of the U.S. debt, which is currently over $16 trillion and rising. Tune in to hear more about this important issue and the solution to the problem.

Topic: The American Mission®

Direct download: Oct1312.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:59pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week The Public Square continues a series of policy briefings titled, "Leadership 2012: The Critical Issues Facing America" recorded live at First Baptist Church Orlando. Dr. David Zanotti, CEO of the Roundtable, is covering the issue of life on this week's program. Where does life come from? What did the Founders think about life? How do we protect life and liberty in this day and age? Tune in today to hear more about this important topic.

Click here for the online exclusive addition of the full length recording from this policy briefing:

Topic: The American Mission®

Direct download: Oct0612.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:18am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

As this election comes into full swing, what are the issues people care most about? What does the Bible say about these issues and how does the Bible inform our voting?

This week we launch a series of policy briefings titled "Leadership 2012" recorded live at First Baptist Church Orlando. This seven week series features Dr. David Zanotti, CEO of the Roundtable presenting. This live-format with Q&A makes for timely and lively radio. Tune in and find out.

Topic: The American Mission®

Direct download: Sep2912new.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:19am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

What are the real issues facing America and are they being rightly addressed this election season? This week on The Public Square the team is discussing this question and more. They’ll discuss a biblical approach and response to the election season and how to recover the truth in the midst of it all. Tune in today!

Article One Project:

Topic: Elections

Direct download: Sep2212.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:31am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

What's the one word politicians hate to say? This week the team tackles both political parties and do a convention debrief. Learn more about the "V" word and why it matters this week on The Public Square.

Topic: Elections

Direct download: Sep1512.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 4:40pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square the team is continuing the radio series on a special project from the Roundtable called The American Mission. This curriculum series presents how any thinking citizen can become an effective agent for real change in American culture. Tune in today for a sneak peak of Week 4 of The American Mission which focuses on the separation of church and state. What did the Founders intend with this idea? Learn more right here on The Public Square.

Topic: The American Mission®

Direct download: Sep0812.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 11:47am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square long format program:

Sick of the political attack ads yet? Does God hate politics? Or does He just not care?

Join the conversation this week on The Public Square as the team takes on the negativity of this political season. What does the Bible teach and how can we find a better way? Find out by tuning in to The Public Square.

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Sep0112.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square long format program:

Do you remember the story about the Wilsons? They’re the couple from Crystal Springs, Mississippi that a Baptist church refused to marry because of the color of their skin. This week on The Public Square, the team has the opportunity to talk directly with Charles and Te’Andrea Wilson about their story. What’s their perspective on the whole matter? Please tune in as we seek biblical answers together this week on The Public Square.

Topic: Marriage

Direct download: Aug2512.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:30pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square long format program:

Have you heard this speech? Due to the tremendous response The Public Square team has seen from this broadcast and due to the relevance of the message, we’re re-broadcasting this program featuring a speech given by author, Eric Metaxas, at the 2012 National Prayer Breakfast.

Metaxas, a previous guest of The Public Square, is author of the New York Times bestsellers, "Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy," and "Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery," along with a handful of other books. What did he say in this speech that was so compelling? And to whom was he speaking? Tune in today as we discuss the message of this speech and more.

Guest: Eric Metaxas

Topic: Rediscovering American History

Direct download: Aug1812.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 1:59pm EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square long format program:

Did we miss something in the whole Chick-fil-A debate? Is there a deeper question here that has yet to surface? This week the team focuses on the issue of personhood in America. Does the Bible teach something “we the people” have forgotten? You don't want to miss this conversation.

FREE "Lose God, Lose Man" Window Sticker:

Topic: Marriage

Direct download: Aug1112.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 9:57am EDT

The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan

This week on The Public Square long format program:

Something bad has happened in America. Something that sounds like a time warp from the Jim Crow era and sadly it has landed on the doorstep of the Christian Church. This week the team at The Public Square® goes where few have been willing—we discuss the story of the Wilson family in Crystal Springs, Mississippi, the couple that a Baptist church refused to marry—because of the color of their skin. Please join us as we prayerfully seek Biblical answers together this week on The Public Square®.

You can find more information about how you can reach out to the Wilsons at this website:

Topic: Marriage

Direct download: Aug0412.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 10:22am EDT