The Public Square
60 Minute Program
Hosts: David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Producer: Alan C. Duncan
Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio
Today on The Public Square 60 Minute Program:
Hosts of The Public Square, David Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd, are discussing the Scopes Monkey Trial from the 1920s along with the impact it has had on American education since that time. They'll also hear from Dr. Charles McGowen, Chief Medical Advisor to the Roundtable, and Sherri Clark, The Tennessee Policy Roundtable's Legislative Director. Dr. McGowen will share with you more about origins and the topic of intelligent design. Sherri will be bringing an important update regarding the debate over evolution and freedom of discussion in the classroom from recent legislation from Tennessee. Tune in today!
Guest: Dr. Charles McGowen
Topic: Intelligent Design
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-- posted at: 10:16am EDT